
"Company" with Awesome projectsDirected and represented by Mikupin0615


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YinGYanG is a "Company" directed and represented by the character Mikupin0615.People that helps/Personal:
(The personal can be added or eliminated)


(Original Image by bigwore296240 on Vecteecy)(Projects can be added or eliminated)Another Universe(You're NOT allowed to marry or date ANY of them)A virtual teenager singers.
They are Rebecca Kakū (架空レベッカ), Mokusei Halley (ハリー 木星), Kasei Sunny (サニー火星), Hakuchō Hyakutake (百武白鳥), Dosei Sakura
(さくら土星) & Chūsei Meikai (明快中性)
Information about themRebecca Kakū (架空レベッカ): Due to the fanaticism of the creator for the Creepypastas, especially for the clown Laughing Jack, around 14 years later, she found out from her mother that she had an imaginary friend, she decided to call her Rebecca, and created this character in her honor, integrating her to this group so that the world knows its history. She was "discovered" in the winter of 2008 or so, but her birthday is May 3, 2021, since she was created in that year. Her representative colors are violet blue, black or blue. As her last name says, 架空 (Kakū) means Imaginary, implying that she was Imaginary, or she was taken from imagination or imaginary friend of hers. She's 17 years old.Mokusei Halley (ハリー 木星): They are one of the first members of that group, they are intersex. They represents the planet Jupiter, Halley's comet and their representative color is Indigo blue, blue or purple. They created in the summer of 2020, but their birthday is October 21, 2020 due to the discovery date of Halley's Comet. They were created together with Dosei and they are great friends. They're 16 years old.Kasei Sunny (サニー火星): One of the last members, created on June 7, 2022. It represents the sun, the planet Mars and its representative color is red, yellow or orange. His big powerful voice can attract thousands of people at the same time. He has many fans (especially women) around him with fanfics and clichéd stories, which often makes him uncomfortable. He is 17 years old.Hakuchō Hyakutake (百武白鳥): She was going to be a test or subject, but because the creator liked her appearance or result, she decided to add her to the group, she was created on October 21, 2021, but the creator decided to leave her birthday January 31, 2021, due to to the date of discovery of Comet Hyakutake. She represents said comet, the swan and her representative color is dark blue, pink (fuxia) or white. She is 14 years old.Dosei Sakura (さくら土星): One of the first members of the group, she represents the planet Saturn, Sakura flowers or trees and her representative color is pastel pink, white or yellow. She was created in the summer of 2020, but her birthday is April 2, 2020, because it is one of the days that saura flowers are best admired when they open. This singer was created with the inspiration of Hatsune Miku, a famous virtual pop singer from Japan. She is 16 years old.Chūsei Meikai (明快中性): The last member of Another Universe. His full name (Meikai Chuusei) means "Claro Neutro" with reference to neutrinos and the word glowing. His representative color is white, gold or light green. He represents the neutrinos, the resplendent or the brilliant. He has a neutral character, and is introverted. But he loves his work and his group that he's in, where a lot of people support and adore him. He without any discomfort can go directly to the stage very comfortable. He was created on June 8, 2022, but the creator put his birthday on February 27, 2022, since that was when the neutron was discovered. He is 16 years old.2023 Extra Fuku Ongaku: Created on November 14, 2022, but his birthday is February 24 (2/24) because in 1937, a model of headphones called DT (dynamic telephone) 48 was created, and if you multiply 24 by 2 you get 48 , the model of the headphones. These headphones are still being produced today.
His hair and eyes are brown. She has monochrome streaks. Her clothing is blue with black and white, representing her representative colors. On her microphone she has the musical note "round".
She is Dosei's cousin and is 17 years old.
She does NOT belong to the group Another Universe, but she is counted as an extra character appearing in some concerts of this group.
Her name means music clothing.
2023 Extra Akiyama: Fuku's brother. He was originally created on 2019. His birthday is November 12th. His representative colors arepastel blue/light blue, mint, black and white. He prefers not showing up his last name and only being called by his name Akiyama. He's another extra character from Another Universe.About the extras characters: They aren't exactly in the group, they're extra characters that maybe can appear once or twice in a concert. They can appear more if the people want to.You can make outfits and songs to themActual contest: Spring - Bloom Flowers · OnLine Concert Outfit Contest


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